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Airtrack have begun the next phase of their "consultation process"on the new rail link from Heathrow westwards. They have sent brochures to residents and business in Staines, and invited them to public exhibitions in Staines, Stanwell and Feltham. They have apparently no plans to consult with businesses, residents or other stakeholders in Egham. This despite the fact the biggest impacts of the project will be on Egham's roads, since 3 of the 4 worst affected level crossings on the route are in Egham. They admit this in the consultation brochure (p10) but on the same page they write that they have concluded that it is not feasible or justifiable to build bridges or tunnels at these crossing. We have been told that if Airtrack proceeds the level crossing at Egham Station will be down for 44 minutes per hour, at Pooley Green for 39 minutes per hour and at Thorpe Road for 37 minutes per hour. If this affects you, you should start by phoning Airtrack on 020 7529 4910, ask for their consultation brochure, and ask to be included in the consultation process. Please also contact Egham Chamber of Commerce ( to find out what the Chamber is trying to do about this problem.
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