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[10/05/2012 - 11:21:26 PM]

Hi,  My Dan and Uncle were in a care home and then went to St.Peters Hospital for a few months in 1940/41.  Just wondering if anybody knows the name of a fairly large care home on the corner of a road back then and if so could be let me know.  Thanks Sue

[23/01/2012 - 12:34:03 AM]
City : Basingstoke, Hampshire UK

Hi Addlestone! I'm Robin Hope. My Dad got a job with Peto Scott near Addlestone in 1957 so we moved from Thornton Heath to Burleigh Road Addlestone. My parents bought a house in New Haw Road in December 1957.

I lived in New Haw Road till 4th July 1967 when I was 15 yo. (I wish I was still there now actually) I went to 'Life Boys' behind The Methodist Church in the early 60s and what is now called 'The King's Church' Marsh Lane till 1967. I still miss living there to this day.

If anyone remembers me send me an email if you would please.

[23/10/2011 - 05:55:34 PM]

HI There,

I have recently moved into Addlestone from Buckinghamshire with my partner. Just wondering if there are any other newbie’s to the area who would like to make friends. I’m 26 years old and my Partner James is 30 years old we are both moved to the area for work commitments.

I would be grateful if anyone could recommend any nice places to eat and visit in the area and have any top tips for living in Surrey. Or if you’re a local and would like to make friends please feel free to contact me via my e-mail address

Thank You

[10/08/2011 - 04:00:36 AM]
City : Grimsby, Uk

I am Simon McCarthy i am trying to contact an old friend Sarah Mitchell. I know its a long shot but Addlestone being a small community i am hoping someone will know the family. I lost contact about 25 years ago when she moved to Australia.We used to work together at John Molums in Kingston I know she was from Addlestone i think her father was a pilot. I am not 100% sure about that but its all i have to go on. If anyone can help you can contact me at


Thank you




[05/03/2011 - 03:42:37 AM]

I would like to know if there still Ongar Hill House,  the former
Residence of Robert Kirkpatrik Escott in Addlestone.  

I am doing a genealogical study of Thomas Young and EscottFamily, which were buried in Churchyard of St. Paul.

Kind Regards

Eduardo Young

[24/01/2011 - 10:43:36 AM]
City : Evesham, Worcestershire UK

I am trying to trace my grandfather, John \"Jack\" Lawson, who served with 7th Bn Royal Northumberland Fusiliers and was captured at St. Valery after Churchill's sacrifice of the 50th Highland Division. He moved, with his second wife, Margret, who I believe came from Surrey, from Hampeth Northumberland to Weybridge and then Addlestone, where after some time he died and was buried in the area, I know not where. I wish to trace him and his military record, as I too served my 22, but without a death certificate, photo of his gravestone, or proof that I am his next of kin, it is proving fruitless with army records in Glasgow, they suggested a photo of his gravestone with date of death recorded. Can you help in any way? Thank you for you attention to this request.


John Lawson 

[17/02/2010 - 12:58:36 AM]
City : Tyresö, Stockholm Sweden

Hello citizens of Addlestone. I dont know if this site is still active but i'll give it a go anyway. I currently live outside the capital of Sweden, Stockholm and i am planning to move to Addlestone. I am 18 years old and i am currently studying to be a carpenter. I would like to know if there would be any jobs avalible in Addlestone? If you wanna know more or ask questions. My e-mail adress is Cya soon Addlestone!

[31/01/2010 - 09:51:58 PM]

Hello I grew up in Addlestone,I will always think of it as a top place to live,Only go back now and then to visit. would be good to hear from any body who remembers me.

[20/12/2008 - 09:53:25 PM]
City : New Norfolk, Tasmania Aus

I too was brought up in Addlestone, I now live in Australia (Tasmania) I would love to contact anyone who remembers me from Junior School 1959-61 Penny Davis. I am especially keen to contact Sandra Davies who was my best friend at school Please email with any info

[10/11/2008 - 02:25:08 PM]

Does anyone know the location of Lowood (Low Wood or Low-Wood perhaps?) House? My Grandfather owned the property during the last War (Maj D E Dixon, Grenadier Guards) and my father was born there in 1943. I lived in Sunninghill for a year but was never able to locate it - can anyone help? Thanks

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Bracknell community website is a gateway to information on the local area in order to promote the interests of the residents of Bracknell in all aspects of their lives. It is also for visitors to the area, prospective visitors and prospective residents.

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