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[01/06/2006 - 02:02:22 PM]

I have been a resident of Addlestone for a few years and I just wanted to say that I love it. As a teenager growing up here was never a chore, with so many fine entertainment venues: The Community Centre, Victory Park, the Co-op, that second hand shop that isn't there any more and the opticians, to name but a few. All superb places to while away the seemingly endless summers. Never has such a small town been endowed with such a selection of fridge shops or greasy fast-food venues, yet been so accessable from a major motorway. And orientation is easy, thanks to the magnificent Surrey Towers visible from every corner of the town. The only thing I lament about the current state of Addlestone, home of my heart, is the loss of the Co-op. The harsh utilitarian architecture was so cruelly ripped from the centre of our town to make way for a postmodern monstrocity of actual aesthetic value. I miss the old days of disorganised aisles and staff lacking the ability to communicate with the rest of society. Lo! Addlestone, I shall return to your glorious roads once more quite soon.

[12/03/2006 - 09:48:22 AM]
City : Sisak, Croatia

Hello everyone! I'm Ivana from Croatia, and I was in Addlestone last year in July/August. The time that i spend there was fantastic. Your town is very beautiful, the people are very kind and nice and I really hope I'll come again. Till the next time, bye, bye!!!

[18/02/2006 - 10:42:29 AM]
City : ontario, oregon USA
Company : joylmt

I am living in two towns, one of them being Addlestone, the other Ontario Oregon USA. I am presently doing a search on populations of near by towns and counties,boroughs. So far I have only found populations of the bigger cities. I'm now looking for a link to find individual town populations. sincerely joy

[11/02/2006 - 09:08:04 AM]
City : Inverness, Scotland

Looking for any Goddard''s in Byfleet Hi there i live in The highland of Scotland and am researching my family tree and i have traced them back to Byfleet. During the 1830''s my great great great granda was born in Surrey called Charles Goddard he married and elisabeth they then had 9 children one of which is my great great granda Georgw Goddard who then married a Martha Ann Carter they then had 2 children called Frances and Ernest Ernest then moved up to Scotland if there is anyone that knows these people please get in contact. Thank you.

[10/01/2006 - 02:00:40 PM]
City : Gniezno, Poland

Hello everyone I'm Artur, I'm think the Addlestone is very beautyfull place. I, my girfriend and two other girl's come there in March (to October). We're looking a job (restaurant,hotel or something else). If You want/can help us or if You have work for us please contact with me. ( or Best regards for all.

[19/12/2005 - 12:01:27 PM]
City : Manchester,

I am trying to contact a Mr Reg Hussey who flew with my father ('Paddy' O'Connor)during WW2 in 622 Squadron from Mildenhall, Suffolk. I believe he lives in Meadow Way Addlestone. If anybody could put me in contact with him I would be most grateful. An alternative email is [20/09/2005 - 05:36:38 PM]

Thank you for an excellent history of Plessey. I recommend this book, if you can get hold of a copy. " Air-Road-Sea Addlestone The Bleriot-Weyman-Plessey Works 1916 1988"

[01/09/2005 - 08:27:17 PM]

Stumbled across this site and has suddenly made me realise that Addlestone wasn't such a bad place to grow up. Was born there and moved away aged 18 in 1994 thinking it was rubbish - I now realise that it was really only the school (Abbeylands as was) that was rubbish, everything else wasn't so bad! Regards to anyone who knows me, from an ex Addlestonian now in Devon.

[31/08/2005 - 03:09:09 PM]
City : Addlestone, England

I have just brought a house in Addlestone and I think its a great place for young professionals to get onto the property ladder. I'am very positive about Addlestones future, it is ideally located near Weybridge which i think has some great pubs and bars and close to London. Also with the new redevelopment of nearby Walton-on-Thames I'am hopeing maybe Addlestone will be next in line for a bit of a boost! I wonder which comany will end up moving into those new offices, near the roundabout and the new retirement flats.

[18/08/2005 - 10:21:59 AM]

My father was christened out of 3 Albion Cottages, Victoria Road, Addlestone in 1898. I have visited the road and could not find Albion Cottages. Also emailed the Addlestone History Society contact without success and left voice messages on their answerphone. Can anyone enlighten me as to which houses in Victoria Rd are/where Albion - if so the current owners so I could find out more history?

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Bracknell community website is a gateway to information on the local area in order to promote the interests of the residents of Bracknell in all aspects of their lives. It is also for visitors to the area, prospective visitors and prospective residents.

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