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None [16/08/2005 - 11:14:10 PM]
City : Peterborough, U.K.
Company : Ex Aircraft Fitter Trade Apprentice Aug '54-Dec '5

During my apprenticeship I worked in most departments at Weybridge incl: Fitters Tools; Wing shop: Wisley: R & D: Hanger B1 on Viscount controls: Main erecting shop on Valiant controls, Hydraulic press shop. Machine shop: Fitters gallery:

[01/05/2005 - 01:16:07 PM]
City : surrey, england

I've lived in addlestone all my life and i think its amazing! For all those who are complaining about addlestone I just wanted to say that you dont know much about this great town! I have been going to the same coffee shop for 15 years and it has to be the greatest ever! It is called muffins and it is opposite the doctors practice! Go there its great! ADDLESTONE ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[27/03/2005 - 09:07:19 AM]
City : Miles, QLD Australia
Club : British exservicemens Association

Goodday! to all the good people of Addlestone. We live in Queensland Australia ,coming from Uk in 1966 , I lived in Addlestone from 1942 approx to 1948 & lived in 15 Peartree road , we had some great times during & after the war . I am planning on coming to the Uk for the ww2 cellerbrations is anyone going to arrange a street party or something ! to attract some of the old people to come to tell the people there what it was like during the war time , the parties & coach outings to the sea side , food rationing etc. lets hear about it soon!! Ray Howe

[15/03/2005 - 11:19:02 AM]

I did a job in Addlestone about 10 years ago that involved standing outside what was then the Co-op and handing out samples of a new soft drink. I've been very interested in Addlestone ever since as i remember it as just about the worst place on earth. The people i came across were a combination of tattooed old women, obvious sex offenders, skimpily dressed blonde slappers and violent thugs. I couldn't wait to go home each day and i remember feeling depressed when it occurred to me that Addlestone was only 30 minutes drive away.

[13/03/2005 - 03:39:26 AM]
City : Auckland, New Zealand
Company : Retired

Greetings, Are their any old members of the Aircraft Laboratories Vickers or Electrical Section around 1956-1966? To name one or two, Dennis Windsor, Peter Cunningham, Hawkins. Cheers, Arthur

[09/03/2005 - 02:48:47 PM]
City : Bournemouth, uk

I am trying to find a woman named Katriana Edwards or Smithers who lived in Addlestone around 1984-1985. I believe she had a daughter. If anyone who knows her or her daughter could either e-mail me or ask her to email me many thanks [24/12/2004 - 11:09:59 AM]
City : Addlestone,
Company : Public Displays of Rhythm

I lived in Addlestone since i was 4 and i am now 24. Over the last couple of years i have moved to chessington and now live in chobham. If anyone asks me where i am from i say 'Addlestone.' ROCK ON!

[07/10/2004 - 01:44:27 PM]
City : Chertsey,

I have to say - I'm truely dissappointed about this site. I moved to Addlestone a few months back and have visited this site numerous times looking for info on the local area, i.e what developments are there in Addlestone, what is the new building works down near the roundabout near Weybridge, Is the old supermarket near the Station ever going to be developed? Does anyone know anything about new things in Addlestone. If I wanted news on Virginia Water or Egham etc, I would visit its own website. If anyone can tell me where I could find some useful, up to date,info on the area I would be grateful. Many thanks Matt Comment from webmaster: Would anyone like to provide information for the website so that interested people like Matt know where to find it. Sorry, no salary, only a sense of being part of a community that cares.

[23/07/2004 - 01:38:02 PM]
City : Wuerzburg, Germany

Hebe Addlestone im Sommer 2003 kennen und lieben gelernt. War eine wundersch?ne Zeit und ich freue mich schon auf den n?chsten Besuch.

[27/06/2004 - 01:43:52 PM]
City : Portsmouth,

What memories this brings back. Dad still lives in the towers so I get up fairly often but never bump into any of my old mates. The place still looks the same but the shops have new names. Would love to get in touch with you, you know who you are. Lazy days in the park behind the library, night fishing in Weybridge, football in the park, the football club, I wish I could go back to those days.....

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Bracknell community website is a gateway to information on the local area in order to promote the interests of the residents of Bracknell in all aspects of their lives. It is also for visitors to the area, prospective visitors and prospective residents.

A secondary aim is to help users of the Internet find their way around local information efficiently without having to spend lots of time wading through large search results from the search engines.

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Bracknell, Bracknell Forest, UK